Rob Johnson

Rob Johnson
Making Open Access Work: 5 Tips for Academic Publishers to Support a Sustainable & Scalable OA Ecosystem

In late 2014 Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) hosted a roundtable to discuss the challenge of making open access work.  The event brought together a group of academic institutions from the United Kingdom and publishers from the US and UK to examine the implications of the rapid growth of open access publishing. Those present focused in particular on the challenges surrounding the payment of article processing charges (APCs) and on the role vendors such as CCC can play in addressing these challenges.  The group's findings were published in the January 2015 report, "Making Open Access Work for Authors, Institutions and Publishers."

5 Predictions for Open Access in 2014

Rob Johnson is the founder and director at Research Consulting Limited and former head of research operations at the University of Nottingham. He will be leading a free webinar Open Access: The Journey So Far with the Copyright Clearance Center reviewing the progress of the OA movement and its future.