
Courier Weighing Closure of Plant in Stoughton, MA
February 8, 2011

(Press Release) NORTH CHELMSFORD, MA, Feb. 03, 2011—Courier Corp., one of America's leading book manufacturers and specialty publishers, is considering closing its manufacturing plant in Stoughton, MA, due to the impact of technology and competitive pressures affecting the one-color paperback books in which the plant specializes.

The New Age of 
Book Printing
January 1, 2011

The book printing market is now a hodgepodge of terminology for digital and offset printing, short-, medium- and long-runs, print-on-demand and long-tail applications.

Thomson-Shore Acquires Custom Book Bindery
December 16, 2010

Thomson-Shore, a leading book manufacturer located in Dexter, Michigan, recently acquired The Bessenberg Bindery, a specialty hand bindery out of Ann Arbor, Mich.