Sourcebooks Inc.

Are There Too Many Books?
August 24, 2011

It was probably a coincidence, but on one Sunday in July, two New York Times luminaries wrote columns complaining about books. Bill Keller, the outgoing executive editor, had a piece in the magazine headlined "Let's Ban Books, or at Least Stop Writing Them." In the Sunday business section, Bryan Burroughs, a regular reviewer and himself the author of multiple bestsellers, took on the preponderance of business books in an essay called "Compelling Tales, Rarely Told Well."

Sizing Up a 
Changing Industry
July 1, 2011

Almost everyone in the book business will acknowledge that we are in the midst of the most interesting, challenging and promising period in the industry's history.

Amazon’s eBook pricing experiment
June 7, 2011

Amazon's rollout of a deep-discount pricing program for 600 books last week already is putting downward pressure on eBook pricing. The “Sunshine Deals” offer sells electronic books at price points of 99 cents, $1.99 and $2.99.

A New and Powerful Book Industry Sector Is Born
June 7, 2010

Self-publishing and online services, e-books, and digital demand printing are joined into a new and powerful sector that is transforming the industry. For industry professionals whose career satisfactions and livelihoods are bonded to the future of the book, this new sector offers a wild ride and a venturesome future.