In honor of its fifth anniversary, Tor.com is offering a free e-book of all the original fiction published on its site in one handy edition. All you have to do is register with the site (painless), and you can download it. It’s DRM-free (here’s looking at you, Joanna) and available in EPUB, Kindle and PDF. Fair [...]

The post Want 4,000 pages of free science fiction, no pirating required? appeared first on TeleRead: News and views on e-books, libraries, publishing and related topics.

Bill McCoy: IDPF is a standards organization.  There is no standard means to do content protection  in EPUB and the IDPF is doing what is essentially a thought experiment on what it might look like and are now soliciting opinions on them. Bill Rosenblatt, Giant Steps Media:  Where the landscape is in content protection.  Publishers [...]

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