Andrew Weber

Dominique Raccah (Sourcebooks) and Andrew Weber (Random House), Co-Chairs of the Book Industry Study Group, Inc. (BISG), announced today that it has formed a search committee to consider candidates for the position of BISG Executive Director

Book editors, publicists, and marketers sent a collective "thank you" to media queen Oprah Winfrey, when the Association of American Publishers presented her with its AAP Honors award. The reason for the award: Oprah's Book Club, a wildly popular segment of The Oprah Winfrey Show. The segment routinely turned titles into bestsellers. But while publishers love the show's impact on revenues, dealing with massive, often unexpected surges in demand can vex even the most efficient supply chain. The format of Oprah's Book Club was simple and effective. Winfrey chose a novel, then broadcast a reader discussion and author interview. The first book featured: The

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