Brewster Kahle

Open Library is a project of Brewster Kahle’s Internet Archive. We’ve written about Kahle, the Archive, and Open Library a few times, including some times I’d forgotten about. Kahle’s Internet Archive was first founded as a way to keep a historical record of the ever-changing Internet for the benefit of future sociological and cultural researchers; [...]

The post The Internet Archive’s Open Library is violating authors’ copyrights appeared first on TeleRead: News and views on e-books, libraries, publishing and related topics.

Most neighborhoods in America have a public library. Now the biggest neighborhood in America, the Internet, wants a library of its own. Last week, Ars attended a conference held by the Digital Public Library of America, a nascent group of intellectuals hoping to put all of America's library holdings online. The DPLA is still in its infancy — there's no official staff, nor is there a finished website where you can access all the books they imagine will be accessible. But if the small handful of volunteers and directors have their way, you'll see all that by April 2013

Last year we mentioned the physical book archive Brewster Kahle, founder of the Internet Archive, has started, stockpiling physical books in cargo containers in warehouses against a time when they might be needed in the future. Now the New York Times has noticed, covering it with an article discussing the rationale behind it, the process [...]

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