Dan Lubart

Ellen Harvey is a freelance writer and editor who covers the latest technologies and strategies reshaping the publishing landscape. She previously served as the Senior Editor at Publishing Executive and Book Business.

Before the emergence of the ebook, data about in-book reading behavior was not easily available to publishers. With ereaders and reading apps, though, reading habits can be captured and analyzed on a large scale, tracking how quickly readers complete books and where they lose interest. Yet few publishers are using this behavioral data to inform their decision making. "Reading behavior data is probably actionable in some business models, and it might actually be actionable for us," says Jim Hanas director of audience development at HarperCollins

Ebook pricing strategies are changing rapidly as the digital market grows. Self-published authors continue to shake things up, but what might have been best practice a couple of years ago is not necessarily relevant in 2013 — and as retailers amass more data and publishers experiment, there’s a new set of tips for publishers and authors to pay attention to.

Are ebook prices falling? Sometimes…

“Pricing for us is a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute discipline,” Michael Tamblyn, Kobo’s chief content officer, said in an IDPF panel at BookExpo America on Thursday. Year on year, Kobo sees an eight percent decline in the

In the weeks that I’ve been putting together my ebook bestsellers breakdown, which examines the titles that are doing better in digital formats than in print and investigates how titles hit the bestseller list, one common key to success pops up over and over again: The power of a sale. A one-day Kindle Daily Deal can drive enough sales to propel a title onto the New York Times ebook bestseller list for just one week. And self-published authors’ low-priced titles are taking up more and more spots.

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