Joe Konrath

Ellen Harvey is a freelance writer and editor who covers the latest technologies and strategies reshaping the publishing landscape. She previously served as the Senior Editor at Publishing Executive and Book Business.

Now that the price fixing case against Apple and has presumably ended authors and booksellers are out to turn the tables on Amazon, the whistleblower that first called the Big Six and Apple's price fixing scheme to the Department of Justice's attention. On Monday Authors United, the Authors Guild, the Association of Authors' Representatives, and the American Booksellers Association wrote several letters to the DOJ with their concerns that Amazon is leveraging its power as a monopoly to control prices and limit competition within the book industry.

Is Your Business Just a Hobby? (The Simple Dollar) It makes a big difference to the IRS. Here’s how to distinguish the two. *** On Copyright Again (Joe Konrath) Last summer I wrote about the need to reform copyright. The points I made then are still relevant and valid, but I wanted to add a […]

The post Morning Links: Is your business a hobby? Konrath on copyright appeared first on TeleRead: News and views on e-books, libraries, publishing and related topics.

In light of Amazon’s growing dominance in the book market and its recent and very public negotiations with Big 5 publisher Hachette, Intelligence Squared -- a global forum for debate -- hosted a live stream event on Thursday, January 15, 2015, asking four panelists to support or reject the statement, “Amazon Is the Reader’s Friend.”

Don’t Pay to Self-Publish (Joe Konrath) This post for all newbie writers considering self-publishing. While it would be extremely helpful to you to take a week and read my entire blog to get a full understanding of how the publishing industry works, here’s the most important thing you need to know. *** UK Government Wants […]

The post Morning Links: Don’t pay to self-publish. Shutting down comments is a bad idea appeared first on TeleRead: News and views on e-books, libraries, publishing and related topics.

After I wrote a piece calling self-published authors who defend Amazon "no better than Ayn Rand libertarians," I received a flood of social media high-fives from those within publishing, their frustration with the giant palpable. I also received fierce blowback from the self-published community. The most thorough and entertaining came from Joe Konrath, who has self-published 24 novels (three of them No. 1 Amazon sellers), hundreds of stories, and has sold over 3 million copies of his books.

He, in turn, received a flood of digital high-fives from the self-publishing community for his zingers

Wow, this is pretty big. For quite some time, indie publishing bloggers such as Hugh Howey, Joe Konrath, and David Gaughran have been complaining about the slanted nature of the New York Times’s coverage of the Amazon/Hachette squabble. Now New York Times Public Editor Margaret Sullivan has taken a look at the Times’s coverage and […]

The post New York Times public editor finds bias in its Amazon/Hachette coverage appeared first on TeleRead: News and views on e-books, libraries, publishing and related topics.

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