Cheryl Dangel Cullen

Cheryl Dangel Cullen
18 Tips for Environmentally Conscious Publishing

1. Make “green” publishing company policy. That may sound daunting, but it can be done. Tyson Miller, director of the nonprofit Green Press Initiative (GPI), which helps publishers make informed environmental choices, suggests publishers make a commitment that demonstrates to printers, suppliers and mills that the market is shifting, and they will need to invest in developing new papers to meet the growing need. “Publisher commitments have been instrumental in the development of 24 new environmental sheets in North America within the last four years. The policy or commitment also serves to reinforce environmental responsibility as a priority in addition to creating cohesion within

You’re Hired!

Publishers rely on the Internet or classified ads to spread the word about new positions, but how can you guarantee you will attract people with the best or even relevant skill sets? Furthermore, the more important question may be: Exactly what skill sets should you be looking for in today’s constantly changing publishing environment? Beyond the obvious characteristics any publisher would want in a new hire—intelligence, loyalty, enthusiasm, writing and editing skills, an eye for layout, business and marketing savvy, and so forth, publishers may wonder if they should expand the perimeter of the required skill set to prepare for embracing the multimedia

10 Tips for Inventory Management

For many publishers, managing inventory is a method of trial and error. While computers can analyze sales data, deciding how many books to print at the outset and when to reprint is often based on instinct and knowledge gained from having been around the block in the industry. Some executives, however, rely on both computers and know-how to keep more precise tabs on their inventory. As one expert told Book Business, inventory management is not an art or a science, but a mix of both. Here are 10 tips that offer the best of both worlds. 1. Capture your sales data and analyze

15 Tips for Global Sourcing

Offshore sourcing is becoming increasingly popular among publishers who are looking to get cost-effective, quality printing and other publishing services. Forty percent of book publishers said they had worked with an overseas printer in the past year, according to a July 2006 study by the market-trend research company TrendWatch Graphic Arts. Yet, as they say, buyer beware. Global sourcing has its advantages as well as its pitfalls. To successfully navigate an offshore partnership, experienced publishers and printers offer these 15 tips. 1. Research a reputable partner. Do your research to find the largest and most reputable printers available. Tad Crawford, president and publisher,