Emily Gould

Emily Books, the independent ebookstore and publisher cofounded by writer and former Gawker editor Emily Gould, has offered readers a subscription model since its launch in 2011: One ebook a month, for $13.99 a month or $159.99 a year. Now the company is taking that model to iOS, with a new reading app that also allows subscriptions.

From Paper Magazine: In the era of e-books, what will happen to the indie bookstore? Will the algorithms at virtual big-boxes decide what we read? And if so, will important, life-changing books go undiscovered? This was a future that Emily Gould and Ruth Curry could not bear to live with.  Gould and Curry are the sorts of friends [...]

Does three make a trend? In recent months, both former Gawker editor Emily Gould and GigaOm’s Michael Wolf launched their own e-book ventures. Now Lifehacker editor Jason Chen has left Gawker Media to launch an e-bookstore of his own, StoryBundle.

Indie e-bookstores may just be the next big thing. Author and former Gawker editor Emily Gould has launched Emily Books. She and “co-proprietress” Ruth Curry say it’s “a way to buy ebooks in a way that truly supports the independent bookselling culture that we love."

(h/t Teleread)

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