
If you're like us, the week of New Year's is a bit of a fog. So when we saw these videos for Penguin English Library — one a promo for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; the second a plug for the series — our week got a heck of a lot better/more surreal. The videos feature the iconic Penguin logo, first as the star of Stevenson's classic and then in a trippy sequence that's a cross between Alice in Wonderland and Heinz Edelman's Yellow Submarine illustrations. Turn off your minds, relax and dig the penguin.

—Brian Howard

I’ve been a bit of a skeptic with digital comics, the same way I was with digital books. I like the feel of paper and a book in my hand. I especially like being able to linger over comic art to absorb every detail and it seemed to me that digital resolution couldn’t match up. Which is why I was somewhat shocked to discover that reading manga on an iPad was actually a better experience than the books. Viz sent me an iPad preloaded with their app to test drive it and, like with my Kindle, I was won

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