
Forget Fifty Shades of Grey – how about Fifty Flavors of Lloyd? Yes, if you want to see a dominant force cracking its whip over the supine global smartphone market, Android in IDC’s latest Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker is the one you want to catch. According to the IDC numbers, “Android and iOS inched closer […]

The post Android is: The Dominator appeared first on TeleRead: News and views on e-books, libraries, publishing and related topics.

Research firm Gartner Inc.’s latest prognostication on sales of combined digital devices of all formats and operating systems, “Forecast: PCs, Ultramobiles, and Mobile Phones, Worldwide, 2011-2018, 1Q14 Update,” has some pretty uncomfortable reading for Apple execs, or fanboys. For it found that worldwide device shipments of all kinds running Android OS, currently around one third [...]

The post Android’s Lloyd looks set to bite into Apple right down to the core appeared first on TeleRead: News and views on e-books, libraries, publishing and related topics.

Sure, you can burn through the latest bestseller this summer, but why not be entertained and learn something at the same time? These novels range from masterpiece classic to fun thrillers, but they all offer excellent commentary on the business world:

Severance Package
At Jamie DeBroux’s office, layoffs aren’t as simple as packing up your things in a banker’s box. As a former cover for a branch of the intelligence community, DeBroux’s boss expects everyone to surrender themselves to death or be shot in the head.

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