
Your Content, Everywhere
November 1, 2011

The freedom and the depth of information that tablet and smartphone technology offers is not disputed. But for publishers and other content creators, the same technology that has simplified the way we capture and share information presents yet another daunting challenge when it comes to content licensing: Adapt or else!

Tear Down the Silo
November 1, 2011

In an effort to insulate core, legacy print-based operations, digital programs often get siloed—shut off in their own program domains—while traditional editorial and production processes continue undisturbed. While this may seem practical in the short-term, in the long-term it is a costly strategic blunder.

9 Things You Need to Know About ePub3
November 1, 2011

Ignoring your digital readership potential is not an option; and treating e-books as an afterthought by offering up a recycled printer's PDF is not a digital strategy. For some types of highly formatted content, a PDF version may be useful, but if that's all you do, you'll be leaving significant distribution and enhancement options (aka revenue) on the table.

HuffPo: An Occupy Wall Street Book Is Being Created In Zuccotti Park, Using A Process That Mirrors The Occupation Itself
October 26, 2011

How do you tell the story of Occupy Wall Street? An anonymous collective called "Writers for the 99%" is trying to do just that, creating a book for progressive publisher OR Books using a revolutionary writing method inspired by the movement's own democratic structure.

The book was announced yesterday, and OR Books co-founder, Colin Robinson, told The Huffington Post that their chosen writing method is both "terrifying and exhilarating."

Book Checked: Margaret Atwood's new book printed on innovative straw paper
October 11, 2011

Canopy, a non-profit organization devoted to protecting the world's forests, species and climate, is offering up special limited edition copies of Margaret Atwood's new book, "In Other Worlds," that have all been printed on paper made from a combination of straw left over from grain harvests and recycled paper. The company calls the paper Second Harvest and says that the paper is the first of its kind.

The Redesign of Reading
September 1, 2011

Gutenberg was able to take some of the coolest technologies of the mid 15th century and create a communications solution. Isn't that what so many of us are immersed in these past several years?