Dallas, Texas

The battle for e-book dollars became a lot more interesting earlier this week when Barnes & Noble (BKS) announced a strategic partnership with Microsoft (MSFT). Over the next five years, the Redmond, Washington-based software giant will invest at least $605 million in a new subsidiary, simply called "Newco" for now, which includes 's Nook e-reader and college textbook businesses. For the book retailer, it means the opportunity to enter international markets with its Nook business; for Microsoft, it signals a big bet on a new market.

Last week while roaming the exhibit hall at the ALAMW conference in Dallas, Texas, I discovered Mediasurfer.  Mediasurfer offers self-checkout machines for iPads (and other tablet devices in the near future).  Users swipe a library card to borrow the iPad.  Upon return, the devices are returned to original settings. If you’d like to know more [...]

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